Civil Defense Radiological Monitoring

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Radiation emitted from the fallout created by a nuclear detonation could cause many casualties, prevent carrying out post attack operations, lessen the survivors ability to work and deny access to some areas and facilities for a period of time.

The details..

'Civil Defense Radiological Monitoring' by Richard Fleetwood is an essential resource for anyone interested in understanding how to monitor and evaluate post-attack fallout conditions. The book provides detailed information on the requirements, responsibilities and training of personnel involved in radiological monitoring during emergencies.

The second part of the book focuses on radiological instruments used for detecting radiation levels. It includes descriptions of different types of instruments along with their operation routines, maintenance requirements as well as exposure limits during emergencies. This section also covers protection measures that should be taken by monitors while performing their duties.

The third section deals with radiation detection and measurement procedures recommended by the Office of Civil Defense Radiological Monitoring Network. It explains various monitoring techniques such as alert period, attack condition or fallout arrival which are crucial for assessing potential risks associated with radioactive contamination.

Finally, this book offers guidance on decontamination methods including general guidelines for area cleaning or personal hygiene practices after exposure to radioactive materials. Additionally it outlines reporting protocols regarding radiologic information obtained from measurements taken at shelters.

Resource Info

Page count: 12
Size: 1153kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available